I basically did 75 NOT HARD - This is what happened

When the 75 Hard challenge came out I had such a deep feeling around it, and, not in a good way.
I’ve been a woman for 54 years lol I’ve been a coach for women for over 15.
I spent from 39-48 living as my fit girl identity. I won fitness pro titles, I was published in magazines and I built a multiple 6 fig fitness coaching biz charging peanuts with just a FB group #oldschool
So I have a very real understanding of a woman’s brain, especially when it comes to body changes!
It’s not good. 😯
In fact… in the 5 years of my life that my habits swayed away from the gym and not focusing on my nutrition, not only my body started to go backwards, everything did.
At 49 I was diagnosed with #breastcancer and that year was clearly hard on my body, interestingly enough, was magic for my mind.
I met my soul.
I got clear on the power of thoughts and energetics, and I found peace in my only responsibilities… ME
I kept “ trying” to get back in shape. Anyone else?
Starting and stopping. Doing “ what used to work” living in my excuses. I mean They were good ones!
- instant menopause
- Stress of the diagnosis
- Stress of the Panini years ( you know, those 2 years where we drank highly and wore no pants )
- Stress of 3 teens navigating those years
- Biz changes
- Relationship changes
- Mother sickness and then transitioning.
Acceptable “things”.
And so when the 75 Hard challenge came out I was interested but knew intuitively ( something I’ve dialed in so powerfully I ALWAYS trust it) that this mindset ….. the ALL or nothing, was going to mess ppl up.
The “if you miss a day doing these 10 things, you start at day 0 again and THAT ALONE… pissed me off
Why… because I know a woman’s brain!! No dis, but that was created by a man 🫠
We are just wired differently. FYI, that's. ok and EPIC!
I was saddened by how many women I knew would never even take any of the steps! Not even start, because they already knew they wouldn’t keep up.
If I know ONE THING to my soul…. You get, what you think.
Soooooooo 🫣
When I realized that for over 75 days I’ve completely changed my body.
Lost 25 plus pounds. Found ME again and feel f’n fabulous… I wanted to share.
Here is what I did and didn’t do that would have had me FAIL and start at 0 again and again for 75 hard.
Which let’s be honest would’ve meant I did not keep going. Sound familiar??
✅ photos every day - I wanted to have proof of just how long it takes to SEE results. In fact, to the untrained mind, when we look at ours selves daily, we don't "see" anything ( and we quit) i wanted proof... for me.... and for YOU.
✅ followed a healthy meal plan - Eating MORE than I was before. Figuring out Macro's and how to make each of my meals so yummy nothing at all felt like I was missing out, in fact, the exact opposite.
❌ read 10 pages of non-fiction ( some days I read 50 pages some days. I listen to hours of audios some days. I don’t do any of it.)
❌ workout twice a day - one has to be outside. ( I love to go for walks, but I certainly don’t do two workouts a day and sometimes when I do, they’re both at a gym)
❌no alcohol ( While I drink way less less than I ever have., I do love good white wine spritzer when I go out dancing. A glass of. wine with my daughter, and the ability to not "have to say no" remarkable hpw much easier it is to say " i din't want it" when you get the choice 🧐
❌ drink a gallon of water ( I typically hit 3 to 4 L of water a day but some days I just don’t)
so that's more ❌ than ✅ as far as I can count lol.
Do these pictures look like a FAILURE to you?
The program literally says “ FAIL ANYTHING, start again!” Hmmmm wtf…. excuse me Andy, but HELL NAH!
First off the word fail means… Find answers in learning….. sooooo
I’m not bashing the concept of putting yourself first. In fact, I screamed that from the rooftops!
What I don’t agree with is the all or nothing pass or fail, black-and-white notion that has more women not even taking the steps forward, then encouraging them. Tell me i'm lying?? I'll wait.
Not for me:)
Not day O again and again… day 1 or 1 day…. In essence you are on day ??? Of your LIFE…. Me…
Day 19,910 Fucking Epic
That alone should be celebrated!
If you’re still reading in this resonates with you and you’re looking to make a change and transformation and truly find a way that fits into your world and create some momentum to prove to yourself what’s possible for you then we need to conversate lol.
Fill out the form and book a chat. you gotta know I am more invested than most to see you prove to yourself these truths.
If you are not wanting to chat, at the very least, please hit reply and tell me if any of this resonated with you and where you struggle so I can at least give you some tips and guidance xoxoxo