My Road To Living My Most Authentic Life

Recently, I was interviewed by Whitney Hammond on the Wallet to Wealth podcast. You can watch the full video podcast episode here.
We chatted about self worth, business, mom guilt, the hustle and grind, breast cancer, and so much more.
Here are some key takeaways from the podcast.
It's Okay To Ask For Help
I have a tendency to not ask for help, want to do everything myself, and wear my strength and independence as a badge of honor.
It's important to unpack these beliefs and find a balance of being independent but also asking for help when I need it.
In order to live an authentic life, it's important that we ask ourselves these questions when we take inventory of our life and out past:
- What in this situation feels good to my soul? What do I want to take?
- What in this situation does not feel good? What can I leave behind?
My Road To Living My Most Authentic Life
I just turned 50, and besides raising my three incredible children, I really hadn't done anything significant with my life until I was in my 40's.
This is why I'm so passionate about helping women see their potential at all stages of life. Girl, we are just getting started in our 40's!
Whether you're 40, 50, 60, or 70- it's not too late. This is your time to start. When you're feeling it, it's time...
Losing Myself To Motherhood
Becoming a mother had always been a life goal of mine. But deep down, I knew I wasn't fully fulfilled. On top of feeling unfulfilled with the mom life, there was a nagging sense of guilt that this realization brought. Can you relate?
I really thought I was unhappy because of the extra baby weight. I mean, if I could get my body to look like the fitness model in the magazines, I would be happy, right?
I was wrong.
I Had A Full Body Transformation and I Was Still Unhappy
As soon as I got the perfectly fit body, I realized I still wasn't happy.
I was in the magazines, I was on the covers, and I had everyone asking me, "How do I look like you?" But I was still left feeling unfulfilled, insignificant, and inauthentic.
Through this journey, I realized that you have to constantly work on anything that you want to maintain, whether it's
- happy & healthy relationships
- a sexy, fit body
- or a successful business
This took me down the path of learning about true happiness. You know, beyond the validation, trophy, and titles.
The fitness transformation was just the beginning. It was my light bulb moment.
"If I can do that, what else can I do?"
Hello, Entrepreneurship and Network Marketing
In my early 40's, I was introduced to the world of entrepreneurship and network marketing.
For the first time in my life I was doing more than "just getting by."
It was incredible and I really leaned into helping other women create the same sort of financial freedom in their lives.
How can I help women start their own businesses? How can I help women make and save money? How can I help other mom's who feel like they're stuck?
Focusing on helping other women create financial freedom in their life really helped me embrace being a stay-at-home mom while making an income.
Getting Diagnosed with Breast Cancer
This was just last year.
I was rocking and rolling. I mean really, life was good!
- Financially secure
- I built a 7-figure business
- Bought an amazing house
- Remarried to a wonderful man
- Taking care of my health and my soul
And then I was diagnosed with breast cancer.
I took an 8 month journey of healing, radiation, and surgeries.
That moment really woke me up. Although I had this amazing business, the house, and all the success I could ask for, I wasn't creating enough joy in my life. And that's when I started to soften.
I realized I wanted more lunches with girlfriends and incredible connections with amazing women. It's been a blessed journey.
Words of Wisdom
- What you see in other people, you already have.
- We can either carry the limiting beliefs with us to the grave or we can rise up and pursue more joy and fulfillment in our lives.
- Get yourself around people who are living the life that you want, cheer you on, and raise you up.
- Don't take advice from people unless they have what you want.
- You have the ability to design a life that you wake up everyday with happiness.
It's been a long and windy road to get where I am today. Trust the process, keep striving for 1% better, and keep walking.
- Carol