Fulfilling my Purpose...

A job is what you work for.
A calling is what you were made for.

whoa - read that again!
Some truth talk coming from me......
I've been in a high-level mastermind since January that has been blowing my mind! This is one AFTER I joined one that was a costly learning lesson 

When the pandemic hit I was operating out of fear. My Network Marketing business was not producing the way I wanted it to. It was still an amazing income, but, truthfully, was not at the 7 figure annual that I expected to be at.
I had a moment where I doubted if NWM was my space.
Since I had always also built other businesses, my brain said " let me build something else."
So, after watching an amazing friend of mine build an amazing business with a coach, I lept, without thinking it through much ( as that is what I do and it never fails me

I paid 20K USD to be in a coaching program that was a really great, high-value program. Within the first month though, I knew it wasn't for me.
That the goals and dreams and HUSTLE of those in that group did not match MY vibe. This is not a knock on the program, learn this.... it's ALWAYS about us! 

All I kept thinking was "I don't have to do any of this to build a 7, 8, 9 figure Network Marketing Business" "I believe in my ability to sell $300k in a 6-month window for a coaching program..... but is that what I want???" and then to have to do it over and over and over again?
I had to really sit with my soul and ask some questions..
"who do you want to serve?"
"how do you want to serve?"
"what do you want your life to look like"

I had to evaluate MYSELF.
Why was my NWM biz not at 7 figures annually yet?
What was I focusing on?
When I wrote it out, it became sooooo clear to me, I was laughing that I had missed it.
My higher self had to have a bold conversation with me.
Network Marketing MADE me me. It took my life, my belief systems, my business skills, my confidence, my bank account, my freedom, my fulfillment and my joy to a level I had never experienced in my life.

My heart sank when I thought about the gift I had when I went through breast cancer without worrying about $$$ of having to show up for a course, or a client or anything else.... that as a mom paying for 3 kids, a house, and all the stuff..... that is not a " little stress" if I had to worry about $$$.

That we do things differently. That if you knew what this was REALLY about, and how we GROW as people before we GROW a bank account.... you would already be in:)
Now I know that this is not for everyone.... just like I don't want to do real estate, own a restaurant, or drive a bus 

But, I will no longer question my PURPOSE. My calling.
It is as a mentor for growth, happiness, and joy.
It is to help people with their foundation for wellness.
Physically, Emotionally, Financially
If you are still reading this and you want to partner with me in any aspect.... fill out the form at the end and let's get to know each other.
You get my mentorship, my support, my wisdom, and more importantly... my passion and commitment to myself, and my family that I am going to the next level..... I'd love to lock arms and grow with you.
Aligned timing may have put you reading this for this exact reason. There has never been a better time for Network Marketing, For Isagenix, and for ME!