It's NEVER Too Late
It's never too late to get started again. It's never too late to have a dream. It's never too late to change your physical being, your financial being, or your approach to life.
You have full permission to start again.
You can start your body transformation journey again. You can start your financial health journey again.
What you cannot allow yourself to do is give up and decide it's never going to happen for you.
It's okay to start and fall off, and start again and fall off again... but it's not okay to quit.
Get Out Of Your Own Way
So many people spend so much time knocking themselves down for:
- "How did I let myself go?"
- "How did this happen?"
- "Why can't I just _______?"
Instead, try taking a more helpful approach like:
- "This is life and life has big moments and changes. Forever."
- "What's one step I can take towards my goal today?"
- "What's something I can do today to become 1% better?"
- Focus on the things that you're doing RIGHT rather than the things you aren't doing enough of or doing "wrong".
Stop Waiting For The "Perfect" Time To Start
Don't wait for all the circumstances to line up perfectly to finally start taking action towards your goals. If you wait for the perfect conditions before you start moving the needle forward, you're never going to be satisfied or happy because you're never going to even start.
Stop Knocking Yourself Down For Not Doing It "Perfectly"
You don't need to do it perfectly to make it happen. But you do need to show up. You do need to walking towards your vision. You will never get there if you're not walking.
Focus on how you can become 1% better closer to your goal everyday.
For example, if you're starting a workout routine and you can't even walk on a treadmill for 15 minutes. Start with walking for 5 minutes and increase it by 1% every week moving forward.
If you aren't familiar with the compound effect, the basics of it is:
When you progressively keep doing something that builds on itself, you will inevitably get to your goal.
Keep your focus on what you're doing right.
I don't care if you fall off of the wagon for years and you're just now getting back in the groove! What's not okay is to never get back into the groove. It doesn't matter:
- How long you've been out of the groove
- How long it takes you to get back into the groove
- When you may fall out of the groove again
All that matters is that you start trying to get back into the groove!
Start. Somewhere. Now.
This isn't Amazon Prime! You aren't going to get what you want delivered tonight! It doesn't work that way. But you will get there if you continue to walk towards your dream- falls, pauses, challenges, and mistakes included!
Today, I hope you take a moment to take a step back, look at all of the things that you're doing, and give yourself a pat on the back because you are epic.
Hoping isn't going to make it happen, going is going to make it happen.
You are capable of absolute greatness.
- Carol