The Magic Of You

What if you had total freedom? What if you had the ability to choose what you did, who you did it with, where you were, how you thought about it? What if you actually had control of the life that you're living?
I see so many people that are putting their dreams and their desires and every aspect of their life, into the hands of other people. This social oppression, it's family members, it's friends, it's co workers, it's people you go to school with, people that are telling you that your dreams or your thoughts or your desires are silly are crazy, why would you do that, that always fails.
Every day I'm reminded that there are dream stealers out there. There are those crabs in the bucket that are pulling you down because they do not want to see you succeed because it's a reflection on them and how they're living their life.
I constantly say to people in my circle, take a look at the life of the person that's giving you the advice. If they are living the life that you want, in the body you want, with the relationships you want, if they seem happy in the way that you want, then by all means, take their guidance and take their advice. But if they're not, why would you take a listen to them? It is always people that are not living into their higher power and purpose and feeling good in life, that are going to try to bring you down.
You will never ever hear from a person that is finding happiness and being around other people, inspired and motivated on the daily, you will never hear them talk to you about that's wrong, that's silly or you should just stay with that safe job. You will never hear it from them. But we take a turn and we listen to what these people in our life are telling us and we give them control of our lives.
I know it's scary and I know that we're in a day and age right now where there seems to be so many conflicting views. We're at a time where people are used to a certain way of living, go to school, get married, get a career, work till you're sixty and retire.
But there's this whole new age of influence, of people that are doing things on social media. People that are living in freedom, people that are living in happiness, people that are working from their phones, on the beaches in Bali and we sit there and we wonder, is any of that true and what's good for me? This is where we have to absolutely take ownership.
How many people do you know and are you yourself, not living into the world that you want to live because you're letting the thoughts and the words of other people dictate how you show up in this world?
Listen, I get that it's flippin scary to do something different than other people. I get that there's more people living in the normal world of unhappiness and frustration and living to Friday. Drinking their faces off to forget about everything, to only be stressed on the Monday and snowball it, snowball it, living in unhappy relationships, being stressed by having children, being stressed financially, it's everywhere. It's easier to stay in that bubble, even though it sucks because the thought of going and doing something different than the people that are around you, is terrifying. We've got those people in your ear telling you, that won't work, that's silly, you're too old, you're too young, you're too big, you're too little, you're too educated, you're not educated enough; wah wah wah wah wah and we listen to them. Why? Why are you listening to the advice of people that aren't living the life that you want?
If you're letting people kind of dictate what's going on in your world, take a look at what they're doing. It's usually the broken happy people, it's usually the people in failing relationships, it's usually the people that aren't living into their healthiest wellness, most profound health life, that are telling you that won't work or that's silly or don't go to the gym or that diet’s not gonna work. Take a look. Do inventory of the people that you're letting influence the direction of your life. That's aspect number one.
The other side of the coin here, other than social oppression and the people in our world, is self oppression. This is actually our biggest hurdle. Both the blessing and the curse of this life is that we are fully in control. We let our negative thoughts and our actions restrict us from living our ideal life. It's a full inside job and you hear it if you're starting to plug into podcasts and read books and flood your brain with amazingness.
If you're listening to this podcast, thank you so much for taking the time. Thank you so much for taking ownership of your life, to start influencing your thoughts by listening to those that have gone before you, that are leading the charge with insider happiness. If we don't take responsibility for our own life, our own actions and really do an inventory of how we're showing up, we can't blame anything for the reason we are where we are at in our life.
Are you asking yourself or I'd like you to ask yourself, are you procrastinating on things? Do you have thoughts and then you instantly tell yourself you can't do that, that's already been done, who are you to do that? Do you know you want to make a health change and yet every night you're sitting on the couch, drinking wine, eating chips and watching Netflix? Are you up to speed on every new episode, every new series and every new everything and you're actually happy that you know about everybody else's life but you're not actually living your own? Are you on that hamster wheel that happens to all of us, the getting ready to get ready, getting ready to get ready? The learning, the learning, the learning, the learning, the podcasting, the podcasting, the journaling, the journaling, the reading, the reading and none of it ever the doing? The only way you're gonna get into a rhythm and get into the space of a life that you want to live, that you might not even know what that looks like, I get it. I had no idea what my life was gonna look like. In fact I can't even believe I'm sitting here in my office doing a podcast. I sit back and go, what, where did that happen? Well, I learned pretty quick how to drown out the influence of people that were not living into the life that I wanted. I listened real fast when people said, who are you around in your life, that's the way your life's gonna show up. I didn't like what I saw years ago so I had to take ownership. I had to make the choices, I had to make the changes, I had to take the step into fear, knowing that I had to make this change and gosh, there was no going back when I went there.
But I heard over and over again that nothing changes until something changes.
I heard over and over again that on the other side of the comfort zone, that uncomfort zone, is where all the magic happens.
I wanted magic. Do you want magic in your life? Do you want more in your life? You know you do. That's why you're plugging in now. That's why you're taking the time.
You're taking some time out of your day to listen to something because something is inside of you saying you've got this, you've got this. We all need some other voices around us, helping us through so that we know we're not alone. We can be our worst enemy and our most valuable savior and it all comes down to a choice and a decision. I am sad every day of how many people cut their dreams short, cut their goals short, cut the way that they can show up in life short, based on the words of other people. It's always, always negative.
I want to ask you, as you go about your day today and moving forward, check in with your thoughts. Are you being that person to somebody else ,where you say, well are you sure you want to go to that school? Are you sure you want to go back to school at forty? Are you sure you want to try that workout? Are you sure that business opportunity seems good? If you find yourself saying that to other people, catch yourself, check yourself. Be the person that helps rise somebody up in their dreams. Why not? Don't you believe that you can be the inspiration to somebody else by literally listening to that calling within you? I know we all have it.
I was having a conversation the other day and it really, really hit home to me because I asked, what do you think it is that stops people from listening to that gut, intuition, inner drive, fluttering, whatever it is? Do we think that everybody actually has that in their soul or do some people really have something different? I really believe that it's true, that we all have something within us. It's just up to us to make a choice. Are we going to let other people influence us. Are we going to let our negative thinking influence us or are we going to train ourselves to reframe, stand tall, understand that we absolutely have the power, the control and the magic inside of us.
I was reading something the other day and this was so highlighted and it made so much sense. It's a story of ancient gods and goddesses. They recognized that there's this super magical power. They understood that if it went into the hands of the wrong person, it could be used for danger and bad, instead of magical goodness. They thought, we must hide this away from people until they know how to use it. One god said, let's put it in the depths of the ocean, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep down. Somebody said, one day, people will be able to dive to the deepest parts of the ocean and they'll find it there, we can't do that. Somebody said, let's put it high in the stratosphere, way beyond the moon, the stars and all of the cosmic energy and let's shoot it far out into the air. Somebody said, no, one day, they'll be able to build a rocket ship, they'll be able to go there and they'll get it. One magical god said, I know exactly where we're gonna place this. We're gonna place it into the heart and the soul of each and every person because they're never, ever gonna look inside themselves, to have the power to change. My friends, my gods and my goddesses, you do have that power within you. Are you going to go and claim it or are you going to continue to listen to the lives of people that are not living the life you want to live?
I want to end with this. Freedom requires responsibility to choose who we are, above and beyond our immediate impulses, needs and any social pressures, so that we can genuinely express the type of person we want to be, live the life we truly want to live and leave the legacy we desire. You deserve to have it all because you are deserving of so much more, my friends.
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EPISODE 119 | The Magic Of You
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